Coaching & Consulting

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About Consulting & Coaching

We work with homeowners and contractors alike to provide expert consultation on any situation that arises within your garden or landscape.

What is garden consulting and coaching?

Garden consulting and coaching refers to our series of services that are designed to help you work through specific issues in your landscape.

For example, you might bring us to help diagnose a plant health problem, or have us draft up and provide you with a custom maintenance plan to follow.

Whether you're looking for education and instruction only, or if you'd prefer to have our team tackle it for you, North Arrow Landscapes is here to share our expertise.

HERE TO HELP: We are available to help consult and coach on a variety of landscape and gardening topics, which are outlined below.

What do you provide during a consultation?

The deliverables we provide you with will vary depending on your specific situation, but may include: education and instruction; detailed reports; aerial photos; labelled photos; maps or diagrams; simple note taking; or any combination of these items.

How We Can Help

Thanks to our team’s broad skill set, we can help with many different garden and landscape situations. Click the links below to jump to a specific topic.

Garden Coaching

Whether you are a green-thumb or a gardening newbie, our garden coaching can help you get the most out of your outdoor time.

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Plant Health Consultation

From disease to toxins, accurately diagnosing and treating the health issues of our plants is tough. Fortunately, we're here to help!

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Plant Inventory Consultation

Have you ever been in your garden and wondered just what is this? A plant inventory will resolve any confusion with a clear guide.

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Landscape Maintenance Plans

Get a custom-made, easy-to-follow guide that walks you through your garden's recommended seasonal maintenance schedule.

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Greenhouse Consultation

Let our Certified Production Horticulturist help you get the most out of your backyard or small commercial greenhouse project.

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Irrigation Consultation

Optimize your existing irrigation system with assessment, repair, and water scheduling services provided by North Arrow.

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Garden Coaching

Gardening can be meditative, joyful, and physical. Our expert guidance can help ensure it's also successful!

Who is garden coaching for?

Many people have the desire, the time, and the energy to tackle gardening tasks, but lack the know-how. If you can relate, our garden coaching service is for you.

That doesn't mean this service is only for those without a green-thumb. Regardless of your skill level, we feel that anyone can get even more out of the act of gardening with our expert guidance.

How does garden coaching work?

Garden coaching sessions are tailored around the unique needs of each client so your specific gardening needs are covered.

We will generally book up to a half-day session where we will walk your garden, detail the tasks required, and work with you to master the necessary techniques.

YEAR-ROUND FUN: Garden coaching is most valuable when booked once per season, as different times of year require specific maintenance tasks.

Plant Health Consultation

Plants are vulnerable to a huge variety of stresses, and a plant health consultation can help you determine the cause and solution of any issues.

What is a plant health consultation?

Droughts, floods, pollution, nutrient deficiencies or toxicities, fungal pathogens, bacterial diseases, and viruses can all damage, deform, or even kill our prized plants. We are experts in identifying the huge variety of environmental and biotic stresses that plants are susceptible to.

If you need help to correctly identify and solve issues in your landscape, a plant health consultation can help prevent the often significant loss of time and financial investment you have put into your garden.

DO YOU DIY? North Arrow can identify the issue and either recommend solutions you can take yourself, or we can perform the required corrective action for you. We'll also provide you with a roadmap on how to avoid the problem in the future.

How does a plant health consultation work?

During a plant health consultation with North Arrow Landscapes we will:

  • Visit your site
  • Make thorough observations
  • Prepare a report that a) documents the problem(s) and b) outlines our recommended courses of action
  • If necessary, we will collect and send tissue samples for lab analysis
  • We can provide you with a management plan to avoid further stresses
  • We may recommend plant substitutions to avoid susceptible species

Plant Inventory Consultation

We can help you to identify and make sense of what’s in your garden through a plant inventory consultation.

Who is a plant inventory consultation for?

Have you inherited a garden or forgotten exactly what you've planted over the years? Perhaps you've recently purchased a home and want to maintain the hard work of the previous owner?

Whatever the reason, a plant inventory consultation will provide you with a clear guide as to what is in your landscape.

Knowing what’s planted in your gardens is extremely helpful for a number of reasons, including:

  • Generating a maintenance plan
  • Assessing plant suitability
  • Diagnosing environmental stress or disease
  • And certainly for personal interest!

How does a plant inventory consultation work?

North Arrow Landscapes uses a combination of technology, education, and experience to create a clear image of your garden.

During a plant inventory consultation we will:

  • Visit your site
  • Take a thorough tour of your garden
  • Catalogue the species and location of your plants
  • Take aerial photos using drone-based photography
  • Provide you with a clearly-labelled map of your plant locations

Landscape Maintenance Plans

Landscape maintenance plans provide you with a concise “what to do and when to do it” strategy for your landscape.

What is a landscape maintenance plan?

Landscape maintenance plans are custom guides that provide you with a season-by-season maintenance schedule developed specifically for your garden, and for you to follow.

Whether your garden is the product of your own hands, has been built by another contractor, or was inherited when you purchased your home, a landscape maintenance plan will empower you with the knowledge on how to best care for it now and into the future.

DOUBLE UP: A landscape maintenance plan is a great addition to our plant inventory consultation detailed above. Pairing these two services together will give you a considerable amount of knowledge about caring for your landscape.

How does a landscape maintenance plan work?

When you book North Arrow to provide a landscape maintenance plan, we will:

  • Visit your site
  • Thoroughly inspect your garden
  • Take detailed notes
  • Take our findings back to base
  • Write and provide you with a plan that explains what to do and when do to it over a year in your garden

How detailed is a landscape maintenance plan?

Your landscape maintenance plan will contain the basic steps to maintaining your garden, but will lack the how-to detail provided in our garden coaching service. For example, your plan may advise you to “prune your plum tree in May,” but will not provide instruction on how to prune.

WE CAN DO IT ALL: North Arrow Landscapes also provides landscape maintenance and pruning services should you wish to have us also perform the recommended care to your garden.

Greenhouse Consultation

Our expert guidance can provide you with the proper planning you need to get the most out of your greenhouse project.

What is a greenhouse consultation?

Our greenhouse consultation service provides review and advisement on a variety of key factors that can determine the success and production of any greenhouse project.

We can provide guidance on:

  • Accurately placing and aligning the greenhouse structure
  • Selecting the correct construction materials
  • Designing efficient and effective watering methods
  • Planning the general layout and flow of the greenhouse

How does a greenhouse consultation work?

Whether you are a backyard enthusiast or looking to set up a small commercial operation, our experienced Certified Production Horticulturist can help with your greenhouse planning.

Our expert will:

  • Visit and review your greenhouse site
  • Discuss your plans
  • Understand your desired outcomes
  • Provide detailed recommendations on how to get the most out of your greenhouse project

Browse Our Complete Services

  • Landscape Design

  • Naturalistic Landscapes

  • Water Features

  • Irrigation Services

  • Garden Maintenance

  • Garden Renovation

  • Pruning & Hedging

  • Natural Stone

  • Patios & Pathways

  • Coaching & Consulting

Ready to build a beautiful, manageable landscape that thrives on Vancouver Island? We’d love to chat.